If I were to make one key observation, I'd say that the "D" in ICT4D (Information and Communication Technologies for Development) resembled more "debate" than "development" during 2010. The ICT4D field has always been ripe for fierce discussion – perhaps a sign that all is not well, or that the discipline continues to mature, or that the rampant advance of technology continues to catch practitioners and academics off-guard. Where, for example, does the advance of the iPad fit into ICT4D, if at all?
I've witnessed debate around the promise of high-speed internet since the landing of the new cable off the east coast of Africa almost 18 months ago. There was much hype and excitement when the connection was made – yet the promise of faster, cheaper broadband is yet to reach the masses. It was always going to be a battle of expectation versus reality, and maybe 2011 will be the year that accelerated progress is finally made.
Read more of this article by FrontlineSMS's Ken Banks on The Guardian website.