A status update on FrontlineCloud

Updated: 1551 GMT

Yesterday, we announced FrontlineCloud beta -- the newest version of FrontlineSMS. We’ve been ecstatic about the reaction from our community of friends, users, and donors who have overwhelmed us with their support, encouragement, and interest. Literally.

We had been experiencing occasional brief outages for a few weeks, which we weren’t happy about, but didn’t think would cause noticeable disruption during the beta process. However, since yesterday night, we’ve begun experiencing more frequent outages -- once every couple of hours. We’re working hard to fix the problem, but in the meantime you may notice that the app is replaced with a holding page while we undergo planned restarts to preserve stability and speed. This should mean that the app will be down occasionally -- we think a little over 1 percent of the weekend.

We have no reason to believe these outages will affect your data, messages, or contacts in any way.

If you happen to be signing up, messaging, or otherwise exploring FrontlineCloud and get our holding page, wait a few minutes and then refresh. After a refresh, you should see FrontlineCloud, or, worst case, an explanation of the delay. We’ll update our @FrontlineStatus Twitter account with regular information on our progress.

We’re very sorry for the inconvenience -- even in beta, this isn’t how we pictured launch. As always, we’re appreciative for all of your thoughts, feedback, input, and -- in moments like this -- patience. We’ll fix this as quickly as we’re able.